Name: Sándor Kli(e)gl
Born: Mosonmagyaróvár,
27th February, 1945.


Grants and awards:

Individual exhibitions:

In public collections:

Works made for public assignments and private orders:



1975 Zoltán Polner: Creators - Sándor Kligl - Csongrád Megyei Hírlap
1978 Lajos Tandi: Studio visit - Tiszatáj
1983 András Kenessei: Ethics and trading of works of art. A married couple of sculptors in the Csók Gallery - Magyar Hírlap
1987 Zsuzsa Márkus: An expressive sculpture - the monument of Dunaföldvár is being created by cooperation- Vasárnapi Hírek
1989 György Rajna: The catalogue of public statues in Budapest - Association for the gilding of Budapest
1993 Attila Tóth: The statues and murals of Szeged - Szeged self-government
1994 Miklós Halász: Will the heroes and martyrs have a statue in Hatvan? The Advisory Board wants one, the mayor doesn't - Magyar Nemzet
1995 István Tanács: St. Stephen and Giselle viewed from back - Népszabadság
1996 Lajos Tandi - Attila Tóth: Sculptors of Szeged - Szeged periodical
1998 Nándor Salamon: Lexicon of Artists of the Small Plain - Győr
2000 Hungarian Contemporary Art Lexicon Volume II, 406
2000 The great work of the great king - Sándor Kligl erects a statue in Kapuvár - Magyar Nemzet
2001 Géza Boros: Memorial. Art - plaza - visuality from the political changes to the Millenium - Enciklopédia Kiadó, 45
2001 Kligl - catalogue, Hungarian Academy of Rome
2002 O. Ó.: The great window of sculpture on the world. The latest work of Sándor Kligl inaugurated in the National Theatre. - Délmagyarország
2002 Gábor Rafai: Sándor Kligl - Metro News
2002 Károly Boros: Sándor Kligl sculptor - Demokrata
2004 László Prohászka: Statue stories - Budapest, Városháza
2005 Miklós Halász: His youth was stolen - Napi Ász
Film: Gallery of the TV - Zsuzsanna D. Fehér: Sándor Kligl